Today 13th of April 2021 we enter the fight against the global impact of COVID-19. Our project is created and sent to the virtual incubator and accelerator at COVIDWISE.
We finished the Social Entrepreneurship Specialization from Copenhagen Business School! This is very important not only for us but for the world!
We are taking this as part of the learning process but we recently understood that COVIDWISE is not a good fit since their approach is open innovation and we work with radical innovation (very disruptive and confidential). So we are not going forward with the innovation awards and mostly because we are a company and they are targeting startups (even though we have the tempo of a startup). The world does not have the support that it needs, and we must continue! The way we see it, many have turned their heads away from this challenge. Not us!
On the other hand, we cannot work without receiving any income and this is something we are working on solving 200%. We do not understand why we always fall into this situation and we will be very clear from today onwards that we are not in the position of working without revenue. And we will solve it. As Visionary Leaders, our role is to step up and lead! We are getting stronger by the day. And even though we are moving fast, we know our place in the world and what we must do.
It’s a race against the clock! You have no idea how much!
We absolutely do not have time to wait for funding (unless it comes in NOW) nor government grants due to the speed with which we are moving (billions of lives on the line). The systems are failing and we’ve seen how this affected the United States (many died before the money reached them). With this in mind, we know that disruption has to come in now. So we decided to step it up exponentially on the 17th of April with sales and marketing (working full-time on this from the 21st. of April). And this is why this is the last part of the journey. We are 2 clients away (we have 2 confirmed on the 20th of April and another that could not make it yet but is coming) from achieving success and finally coming out of years of struggle where no help was coming to us. We sent countless CVs without success but we understand now that God had better plans for us!
The White House, President Biden, and his Team working with Covid-19 have been contacted by us on the 14th of April.
OUR THOUGHTS: The search for a cure to Covid-19 is not easy and it will take many turns, trials, and errors until the world succeeds. The solution is therefore NOT to be skeptical but to study every possible solution thoroughly. We helped key decision-makers connect. It is the only way to solve this in record time. Without communication, a cure for Covid-19 will never take place and it can take years and many lives before we see a solution. All of us want a solution right away in order to get back to our normal way of living. We cannot put all our hopes on one vaccine because if we discover later that it has side effects or does not work, then we have nothing left. All solutions must be at hand.
It can be that the final solution is a combination of solutions, drugs, and/or vaccines. Every step, every success is important. Most of all, it is vital to remember that we must keep an open mind because the solution may come dressed up in a very special and unrecognizable way. It is not about the looks of a website, nor gender, nor anything like that at all. Covid-19 is a strange kind of “creature” we can say. And the solution can also be very strange. It can also be very simple or very complicated. The solution can come from the farthest corner of the Earth, maybe a small town. We do not know, but what we do know is that we at Emerging Technologies Sweden have the mission to make sure that inventions and breakthrough innovations do get to market.
On the 16th or 17th to announce our 3 online services that we are launching. We only need 2 clients to make things happen that can hopefully pay in full (just in case, we are launching several programs to raise money and reach our goal in the shortest time possible). We have 2 attendees on the way that are interested in our training programs (thank God). This is very good news since it proves that we are on the right track and we also know one of our target audiences.
Our free event started on the 18th of April to present 3 programs. This is a recurrent event (you can scroll up the page to see it). The launch takes place immediately once we have the registrations for the paid courses. The registration is via LinkedIn, we added the link to the ad. This event continues until the 23rd of April.
We are coming out of the situation finally! Now, we ACCELERATE EXPONENTIALLY. We also delivered a very important message to the people on the 17th of April 2021. It was a message that we had to deliver and it was very important that we did it very fast.
We are transitioning now to a better life and we WILL pass this stage that will finally give us the possibility of becoming financially free (the automation nightmare is over very soon). Then we can work with whatever we want regarding covid-19 without problems. This is the goal! And by then, we will be stronger and we will bring more value. This means even more impact and MASSIVE DISRUPTION coming from different Inventors in this case (something which is coming into the global market top speed ahead!). In short, head for the hills! Just to clarify we mean: HEALTH AND SPACE TRAVEL (hand in hand). JUST FIGURE!!! So yes, we do have a mission and it is a very important one, where we keep on stepping it up on an ongoing basis. We are moving exponentially.
WHAT WE DISCOVERED: We discovered that we are working with the Health industry on Earth and in Space. Regarding Space, it’s Space travel. The common denominator is doctors that are also inventors. Strange combination, but we are also strange (VERY STRANGE). There is nothing normal about all this story. We are not surprised. =) The fact that we are working to solve covid-19, the strangest creature, and that we are also very strange, is just the strangest fit. It’s a match, a very strange one. It’s funny!
You must know that we are very open-minded, independent and that we love to work with others. What blows us away are the most amazing technologies, those without precedence that have the power and magic to lift Humanity to the highest levels. We are totally in love with breakthrough innovations and inventions like the Space Hotel coming up in a few years. And we have to let you know now that we recently helped a Space Startup working with Space Travel (confidential for the moment). This is our mission! One that you have not seen yet but when you do see it, you will be blown away. We are totally in love with these technologies and we see that Humanity is VERY near (NOW WITH MORE CERTAINTY) to becoming a multi-planetary species. This is our MTP! In short to lead Humanity towards a Multiplanetary future.
While we are moving at an exponential speed you must know the following about us:
We do not care if the solution comes from a hybrid animal with 5 legs instead of 4! The covid-19 virus comes from bats so it is not surprising if the solution lies in another animal. This is the takeaway: the solution will not come dressed up as a diamond. If you get too picky, you will never find it. Please remember that we visionaries are at the beginning of the innovation curve for very good reason and that we have a very important role. If you were to take us away, you would get big trouble because you most probably never find the way. You might come across the solution or many solutions but fail to notice.
We said it before, and we will say it again: We are at the beginning of an innovation curve, an exponential one. We will have to go through the “chasm”. This is how it always is.
We want to keep our vision intact! In short, we are very independent and our vision is very important. It’s the vision and the mission above all! On the other hand, we love to collaborate globally for the greater good.
We are bringing our innovation to market.
It is about leading humanity towards a multi-planetary future, solving global grand challenges, and bringing inventions and breakthrough innovations to the global market! And this is exactly what we are doing. Our mission has been accomplished!
This is moving faster than the money is coming to us! (by now you can imagine that we are used to this situation). No surprise! Speed is crucial when we are talking about a global grand challenge and millions of lives lost to the global Covid-19 pandemic on an ongoing basis with all sorts of impact: economic, psychological, and health. Things do not come in the order that we want nor we need but we must be awake and execute to avoid more deaths in the world (this is a pattern that has affected us for years and probably God was preparing or training us for the challenges that were ahead). In short, 1) pioneering innovation, training, and mentoring online program are coming out to the global market. And 2 more of our programs! Just to increase our possibilities of success exponentially! At this point, we are not taking any chances. We bet you understand why.
And by the way, you have no idea of the other impact and DISRUPTION (massive by the way) which is already on the way! More than global! =)
Without the help of friends, we would never have made it (this has been going on for years!). The probabilities of success were very low, almost none. We tried many doors and none opened to us. This is the sad part of the story. The good part of the story is that we persevered and this has made us stronger. Now we have the last bit and we are pushing forward with the strength of a leader (the one built during all the years backfiring in all directions at the same time). You have no clue whatsoever the speed that we have by now and the training! And here comes the part that we did not disclose before: We are taking out the money problem once and for all! Never ever again will we be in this situation. You can be absolutely sure about that! We made all the arrangements that you ever can imagine and very soon we are there! NEVER EVER AGAIN! GET READY!!!
And now comes the major lesson or takeaway: NEVER EVER EVER DISCRIMINATE PEOPLE DUE TO GENDER, KNOWLEDGE, ETHNICITY, AND SO ON! The people that you least expect, can actually be the ones that hold the solution to the major global challenges. Keep this in mind because, in this world that we live in today, it is about survival, my friends. There is absolutely no place for selfishness. And furthermore, the CV system is the worst system we have ever seen. It’s horrible! Thanks to it millions of people are lost in translation (we are included, something that affected us tremendously). And guess who is coming to the rescue? You can imagine who! In fact, we are on the way! That’s the next battle!
And this is why we are calling the shots. To give you, the world, a lesson once and for all! So from the 14th of April 2021, we stepped it up BIG TIME! And very soon you will understand how much! This lesson comes from a global Visionary Leader, the likes of which you have never EVER seen before! The love for Humanity and our mission was stronger than any of the challenges that we have gone through and it is what pushed us ahead. Today our vision is sharper, our speed is faster, and our love is stronger.