We finished with our assignment from one of the executive courses and we are uploading our Executive certification as Chief Robotics Officer now. So today May 5th, 2020 we are officially Certified Chief Robotics Officer – IIEC! This is part of our vision. It has been there from day 1 when there was no formal training around. Now there is!

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We just finished another course on Exponential Organizations. This week we have important meetings with ExoAlliance, OpenExo, a Space company, and further discussions with other Space companies. And from today we have online events on important technologies and other events like ExoWorld (2nd one) coming up soon. As you know, we presented our initiative together with an international team assigned to us in the “ExO Unemployment Challenge” and we will carry out the huge initiative. We have millions of reasons to do so and moreover taking into consideration the present global situation and the pressing need for global solutions. We …

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NASA Selects Companies to Develop Human Lunar Landers

This is exciting! “The agency announced today (April 30) that it has awarded contracts to SpaceX, a Blue Origin-led team and Dynetics to design and build a human landing system for the Artemis program, which aims to establish a sustainable, long-term human presence on and around the moon by the late 2020s. “With these contract awards, America is moving forward with the final step needed to land astronauts on the moon by 2024, including the incredible moment when we will see the first woman set foot on the lunar surface,” NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine said in a statement. “ Source: Scientific American

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We have 2 days to send a form regarding the ExO Unemployment Challenge which we participated in offering our solution together with the team. This is a big decision. Today we finalize a couple of courses in order to get our final Executive Education Certification – IIEC (International Institute of Executive Careers). We might have to write a book too. We have had the feeling that we had something to do with writing a book since our research and innovation work has been leading us to famous authors all the time and we found this coincidence surprising. There is one …

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We just read this article and it clearly states that it will take time for people to go back to normal again. We will definitely NOT leave our house unless it is necessary to go to the supermarket. That is for sure. It is clear that employers should make arrangements to ensure that their personnel is safe. We strongly believe that remote work is the solution. We just got information about a big event in Stockholm which we said no to. Big gatherings at a time like this, is not the way to go.

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Remote work is here to stay and stronger than ever! We are looking forward to seeing more remote jobs in Europe. This is taking place and will increase in speed and number. =) There is no doubt that the recruitment systems, etc. will be changed very soon since the ones we have today do not work any longer and they have not worked for years! They have caused a lot of suffering and problems which have also had an effect on health, performance, and so on. They have also built a wrong mindset, distrust, and many other things that we …

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We got our Solutions Architect Executive Certification and now we continue with other executive courses and exams regarding AR and VR. We’ll also write some articles. We are waiting for a reply regarding a part-time job that has to do with VR, AR, and Emerging Technologies so we need to get this done. Starting tomorrow we have some key business meetings. Today we get the administrative work done! It’s been several days of very intensive work, webinars, exams, etc. It’s been long hours of work several days in a row. So today we focus on Space in the afternoon in …

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