This week we have received so many e-mails from entrepreneurs around the world reaching out and helping by offering their courses for free. They are helping people to launch their online business. I am glad this is happening. I’ve never seen so much good energy, so much love, and so much help. This is a period of time when we will have new businesses, a better lifestyle, and more knowledge. I think that when the epidemic is finally over, we will have a lot of remote workers that are just fine working from home with their new businesses and enjoy …

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It’s a sunny day in Stockholm, and my dog is lying on the floor watching me prepare my presentation for the session I will give at the ExoWorld Online Summit. It will be about the Exo business model and equality with a focus on women in space. Time goes fast. These past days have been very intensive since I’ve been studying abundance and exponential technologies thanks to Peter Diamandi’s invitation to join Abundance Digital for 1 month for free. Yesterday was the first day of the summit and I really enjoyed meeting people from around the world. We had video …

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