Today is the day to upload the podcast and we have the meeting at 6 pm with the publishing success strategist. We are 200% determined to succeed! Our meeting with the Canfield Mentor yesterday was very successful and it gave us more determination. We are not only getting this company off the ground but we are also sending it to orbit! =) It is a hypersonic speed here already. We have some technicalities to go through and also have a few key meetings. The goal today is increasing our high performance and the motto is: DO IT! GET IT DONE …

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It is 4.25 am and we are up and running. Our goal is to get the podcast on our website. Our podcasts will be about people, technology, and the New Space Era. It is the series The Moon, Mars, and Beyond. We are very excited about this introductory podcast. Our meeting with the publishing success strategist did not take place yesterday. It could be because of an overlap of calls or something else so today we put that as our first action point for the day. This has to be done. We got a collaboration taking place with an awesome …

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Today we had a very intensive day with unexpected and very interesting contacts. This was not planned so it changed our schedule. We are going through the podcast software and made a test so we are on our way with it. So we are scheduling this for tomorrow. We had a nice meeting with a Canfield mentor.

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It is 5:50 am in Stockholm and it is snowing outside.Before we take our morning coffee, we look at the marvelous video on ESA’s website. What beautiful music and imagery! The goal for today is to have a rough copy of our book ready for our 4 pm meeting with the publishing success strategist. The book will have 45 pages approximately. The most important thing is to get started with the writing process, do the graphic design of the cover, get the book reviewed, and then self-publish it on Amazon. Today we will upload our introductory podcast. We might …

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Tomorrow Monday at 4 pm we have a meeting with a Publishing Success Strategist and at 8 pm we have a phone meeting with a Canfield Trainer. Preparation is the key so we’ll have the draft ready tonight, most probably we will finish after midnight. Of course, the book will talk about our areas of expertise but with a focus on this New Space Era. So it will not be about scientific subjects but instead about technologies and other related topics. The pages that we have written so far, have followed the advice we received from the webinar. Now we …

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We are launching it on Amazon after our upcoming “launch team” (to be built asap with people that would like to volunteer in exchange for a copy of the book) has been created and we have had our meeting tomorrow with the publishing company that will give us advice. We got some ideas to put on paper before the day is done together with research. Our goal is to make the design for the cover as well and this is done quickly. We are aiming for quality, value, and speed. We’ve been through a similar situation before when we had …

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We just had our morning coffee and are going through the Self-Publishing Workbook we were offered as a free download by a passionate entrepreneur who loves to write and his mission is to help people write and get their book published. It is amazing how we are all connected!. Our goal today is: To read the whole book. To finish the first version of the draft for the book and to have it reviewed. To publish the first podcast and upload it on Soundcloud. To find out more info regarding a message that we got via LinkedIn on a potential …

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We added the link to SoundCloud on our website. This is where we will upload our podcast series: “The Moon, Mars, and Beyond”. After finishing the Professional Speaking training from Brian Tracy, we decided that our first topic will be “The New Space Era”. On Monday at 4 pm. we have a meeting with a publishing company giving advice to people on writing their first book and our next goal is to start posting articles. They have been sending us notifications via Facebook for several months now but we did not understand 100% the importance of it at that moment …

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