Ladies and gentlemen!
Today is moonshot day here at Emerging Technologies Sweden. A new horizon in the view!
Our mindset will be focused on abundance. We will create the conditions around us to make this flow.
Now more than ever we need to focus on the right things. Thank you Derek Rydall for your beautiful masterclass on the Law of Emergence with the title “The Master Keys To Manifest Your Needs No Matter What You Face”. We will continue with it during the day since it is a very long masterclass and we need to really pay attention.
The sales training we are doing is coming to an end and we will speed up procedures. We got a lot on our plate that is overlapping a bit but it’s fine. Everything is important: the mindset, the action, the vision, the mission, the MTP, the people, the solutions, the clarity, the timing, the speed, the knowledge, the understanding, the learnings, and so on. The inside and the outside!
We got a reading list and a vision in front of us.
And with this in mind, we set off to carry out our mission, a very beautiful one!