I am happy to say that new recruitment companies are disrupting the worldwide markets with new methodologies, technologies, and ways to help job seekers and companies. You will see this very soon!
I registered at one that is in Beta right now and will be finished in some days.
This is good news since we still have biased systems that have been helping recruiters but not job seekers. These systems are not effective and have only made the gender gap increase exponentially. This has affected especially women trying to get into technology jobs and at a time like this, with the pandemic and the acceleration of technologies, we are heading for a bigger impact. Online training is not the only solution to the problem since people need a decent job, stability, and opportunities for professional development. Education just solves one part of the problem.
Then there is the wrong mindset that has to be solved. Why do projects, jobs, and advice call opportunities still go to men? Why are men the ones that are recruiting all the time? Where are the women? Equality starts also at this point. We need more female recruiters and better laws that see to it that companies offer equal opportunities.
We also notice that there is a lot of curiosity about the work we do but when it comes to getting help, the number of people that are there to give us a hand drastically diminishes. Furthermore, sales are becoming more complicated and more companies are seeking help but cannot find it. This is a great opportunity for startups to take the lead and solve this gap.
Here at Emerging Technologies Sweden, we work in the Space industry with global challenges that have to do with the gender gap, the knowledge gap, and the challenges that have to do with Space.
We already broke into these accelerating technologies, got IIEC-Certified as an Executive and Expert in several key areas (Exponential Tech., Emerging Tech., Immersive Tech., and IoT), and have been working in the Space industry for years, participating in volunteer Space projects that have worldwide impact. Our articles on technology and Space are published on a weekly basis and we’ve had thousands of views. We also have our Pioneering Space Entrepreneurship Training Program which we are launching.
We will now take another exponential step forward, and this time we will solve what is left. This means, getting a strategic collaboration that can help us with sales and finalizing the specializations which will put us at a higher level. We will then be in a position to help people even more!
There is a lot of disruption on the way right now and for the better. And guess who will be pushing forward for the changes? We will be the ones to promote the new systems BIG TIME!!