Good morning everybody! We wish you a very nice and productive day.
We are officially part of the launch team for Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler’s new book “The Future Is Faster Than You Think” and will be receiving material and instructions today.
Tomorrow we have a meeting regarding the platform. It will be connected to our website and things will be automated. We’re learning about the Knowledge Business and will be creating Masterminds. We’ll even have interviews, podcasts, etc. This is very exciting! So we got a very fast tempo since we have material to study and we also have homework to do.
I recently had to explain what my business is about and it was hard for others to understand. Emerging Technologies Sweden is about pioneering innovation and research. The focus is more on innovation than technology. We are a business consulting business working with global grand challenges like the gender and knowledge gap and challenges regarding Space. But our business model is an ExO (an exponential organization). When we created the business plan it was the strangest thing you had ever seen. =) Yeah! We are a bit strange here. That’s how it is with us visionaries. Our visions are very big. You can say that we have one foot in the present and the other in the future.
You might be thinking how is it possible that it is an ExO when ExOs are usually big companies. Well, we are an exception. We are the ones that grow exponentially. So it is the human being in this case but since we work with pioneering innovation it affects everything. In short, if there is a global grand challenge, we are there to solve it. And it might happen that in the future we might be handling other things that would send any normal human being running for the hills! =)
We are today Space Entrepreneurs in the Emerging Space Industry. We are the visionaries and space entrepreneurs also working for a multi-planetary future for humanity. In our case, we do not work with rockets of course. We work with challenges, pioneering innovation, research, and education. The part that we need to discover is the “technology part”. We’ve come closer to that part and that is what we are working on. As we work closely with our partners and upcoming partners we’ll discover more and more. It might be that it has to do with a technology that is yet to be discovered, something new, not here yet. So far, we narrowed down the areas under Space Studies on the front page.
This means that you can add us to the list where Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Robert Zubrin are. While we are small, our impact is huge. We think that if we all joined forces we could make things happen faster. This unity is not there yet and that is what is delaying humanity’s future as a multi-planetary species. Together we could find more solutions since we would look at things from different angles.
We also need a grant since that has never entered the scene. It’s about time we have support considering the importance of the innovation projects we are working on. This is because too much importance is put on technology, but innovation is equally important. Unfortunately, we are also part of the gender gap. This problem affects us as well but this is the challenge we have been working on for years.
Our goal is to make it possible for humanity to become a multi-planetary species. We are not afraid of the challenges and we know that our work is very important.
So the world has this woman visionary and space entrepreneur in the scene as well. =) This means we already broke the glass ceiling. This has more importance than you can understand right now. To make it short, we have succeeded!
One last thing: if it is spooky, challenging, mysterious, and a bit dangerous it’s even MORE EXCITING! =) The spookier, the better!!
Remember that it is not the company, nor the name, nor the office, nor the money, it’s about the person behind the company. The company is nothing without the person. This company is a complicated one that requires very special skills and a huge vision. We never got the help that other startups got, nor funding, nor grant. This is also where the gender gap is seen. It’s always the guys that get all the help. One proof of this is that we got our innovation approved but we never got any money. We had to move forward with the little we had and help was not around either. We should have been part of the people included in some incubator with proper grants, education, etc. We did it the hard way.
It’s time to go back to work now. We have a meeting coming up tomorrow and we are receiving lots of e-mails from our mentors. It would be nice if we could get a grant in order to receive proper education and certification from our mentors. Anyway, once we get the platform up and running, things will change and we will soon be able to pay for the education which will permit us to deliver more value for everybody. We will also reach out to universities and enroll in an online program or apply for scholarships. After our recent research, we have a list already on our desk. Today we will reach out to universities and download programs.
It was never about an app, it was about humanity.